Imgene sommer meeting 2019 Porto

The IMGENE Summer School 2019 will take place from Monday September 9th  to Friday 13th 2019 at 

Instituto de Investigacao e Inovação em Saude, Universidade Do Porto,
Rua Alfredo Allen, 208, Meeting Room 2, 4200-135 Porto, Portugal

Aim and content:
The aim is to stimulate networking between students, supervisors and partners in the IMGENE Network.

Meeting overview:
Monday 9th:  Interim meeting, mid-term check and dinner
Tuesday 10th:  Open Scientific meeting. Gene editing using CRISPR-Cas: From science to society
Wednesday 11th: Introduction to science communication, Media training and social media (Podcast, facebook and twitter)
Thursday 12th : Ethics and regulation in animal research, alternative to animal experiments
Friday 13th :  Ethics and regulation in research with human subjects and tissues. Visual communication in science, Science communication using social media (Instagram)


The IMGENE network

Members of the imgene network

Chiara Bovolenta External Revieer, European Commission and Julian Giordani Project officer, European commission

Chiara Bovolenta External Revieer, European Commission and Julian Giordani Project officer, European commission

Consortium meeting

Consortium meeting

Poster presentations

Poster presentation

...And networking with fantastic dinner at Traca Restaurant in the old town